The human eye and brain together translate light into color. Light receptors within the eye transmit messages to the brain, which produces the familiar sensations of color. Newton observed that color is not inherent in objects. Rather, the surface of an object reflects some colors and absorbs all the others. We perceive only the reflected colors.
Thus, the color red is not “in” an apple. The surface of the apple appears red because it is reflecting just the wavelengths we perceive as red and absorbing all the rest. An object appears white when it reflects all wavelengths and black when it absorbs them all. As illustrated in the diagram below, light goes from the source (the sun) to the object (the apple), and finally to the detector (the eye and brain).
(Source: MIT OpenCourseWare)
All the “invisible” colors of sunlight shine on the apple.
The surface of a red apple absorbs all the colored light rays, except for those corresponding to red, and reflects this color to the human eye.
The eye receives the reflected red light and sends a message to the brain.
Color Enhancement with Immunolight Technology
Our platform technology enables virtually any wavelength of light to be created from another energy wavelength using nanoparticle based energy converters. Therefore, we can take all the light rays that would have been absorbed by an object and convert them into shades of the perceived, reflected color. As a result, all of the sun’s light rays would be reflected as a single shade from the object–greatly augmenting the colored light that is reflected to our eyes.
This generic generation of color has uses in residential, commercial and industrial paints or coatings, where a native color can be enhanced by converting unseen (absorbed) wavelengths into the native color. Our color or chroma enhancement application can be used in countless consumer products to enrich the experience of color-based products. These include:
Fabrics (stitching, tapes and trim)
Cosmetics (make-up and polish)
Hair care (shampoo and gels)
Skin care (creams and oils)
Pigments and paints (residential, commercial, auto, marine, aerospace and transportaion)
Electronics (daylight visible ipads)
In addition to changing the perception of any color by enhancing it’s native color or adding hues of different color, functional changes to a surface can also be achieved with our energy converting technology. As an example, incident UV light, which can degrade certain materials can be absorbed by energy converting particles added to the paint or surface material. Additionally, IR light, which is a common element of heat, can be absorbed or reflected as another color.